Enrolment update

Illustration of person holding a computerOne of the VEC’s key objectives is to maintain the accuracy and security of the register of electors, while working to increase the proportion of eligible electors enrolled and maintaining this measure at or above the national average.

In 2022–23 the number of Victorians enrolled to vote increased by 76,946 (1.8%). The total enrolled electors at 30 June 2023 was 4,446,146.

Enrolment rate

Enrolment across each age range increased during the year, except for provisionally enrolled electors under 18.

Enrolment rate by age was:

  • 12.1% of people under 18 are provisionally enrolled
  • 92.6% of people aged 18 to 24 are enrolled
  • 97.7% of people aged 25 to 29 are enrolled
  • 97.9% of people aged 30 to 34 are enrolled
  • 98.7% of people aged 35 to 69 are enrolled
  • 98.6% of people aged 70 and over are enrolled

The average enrolment per region was 555,768 electors, with 50,524 electors per district.

Enrolment programs

The VEC has arrangements with other agencies to support the preparation, maintenance, and review of the Victorian register of electors. This includes the regular direct enrolment of eligible electors using data from the Department of Transport and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).

The information from VCAA facilitates a youth enrolment program, which this year included:

  • birthday cards with enrolment information sent to 51,697 young people turning 17 years old, which resulted in 6,927 provisional enrolments
  • youth brochures sent to 5,514 newly enrolled young people
  • directly enrolling 2,838 school leavers.

Enrolment enhancements

A project to replace the Roll Management System (RMS), a technology platform used to maintain the register of electors and to create electoral rolls and roll products, started in March 2020. Following a detailed technical analysis throughout 2022, the VEC decided the best course of action was an upgrade to the existing system that will future-proof it to be secure and stable and enable future enhancements. Vendor procurement is underway.

This year also saw several developments in the VEC Geospatial Strategy, including:

  • delivering the Voting Centre Locator application for the 2022 State election, which was used by 1.8 million people
  • working with Emergency Management Victoria to analyse the impact of flooding on voters in the lead up to the election
  • providing VEC-developed boundary modelling software to 2 other electoral commissions to assist with their redistribution programs
  • providing data to support staff in their work targeting services for electors. 
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