St Albans District results by voting centre

Elected member

Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch

Recheck votes

  • Total enrolment as at close of rolls:


  • Formal votes:


  • Informal votes:

    3638 (9.24% of the total votes)

  • Total votes:

    39354 (84.73% of the total enrolment as at the close of rolls)

Recheck first preference votes

KERR, Maria HOBART, Mark RUDD, Van Thanh WALTON, Russell SULEYMAN, Natalie MANNAN, Zaffer BENTLEY, Joel TACHOS, Virginia CULLEN, Kim J. CARACASSIS, Jason
Voting Centres Liberal Labour DLP Victorian Socialists Family First Victoria Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch New Democrats Australian Greens Freedom Party of Victoria Animal Justice Party Informal votes Total votes polled
Albion North 169 47 62 11 263 6 42 33 4 18 68 723
Cairnlea 220 82 92 28 497 3 82 43 30 16 106 1199
Kealba 223 46 28 22 294 3 54 97 20 18 96 901
Keilor Downs 203 37 58 23 255 5 47 28 21 11 78 766
Kings Park 4 3 2 0 16 0 5 0 0 3 9 42
Monmia 353 66 54 44 461 9 80 34 32 33 157 1323
St Albans 91 21 29 13 138 0 17 16 8 7 34 374
St Albans East 101 34 45 14 174 2 30 11 23 8 64 506
St Albans North 116 43 39 16 213 6 49 23 10 9 67 591
St Albans South 125 27 33 6 221 3 38 12 20 13 40 538
St Albans South East 138 41 46 10 244 2 50 9 6 7 70 623
St Albans West 74 29 23 8 140 4 25 22 7 15 51 398
Stevensville 15 3 2 2 8 0 3 1 4 1 4 43
Sunshine North 214 109 102 19 349 3 81 27 9 19 96 1028
Sunvale 12 3 7 1 24 1 4 0 3 0 5 60
Ordinary votes total 2058 591 622 217 3297 47 607 356 197 178 945 9115
Absent votes 373 132 92 75 426 9 129 30 64 56 155 1541
Early votes 5706 1746 1498 602 9663 118 1336 566 542 406 2357 24540
Marked As Voted votes 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 7
Postal votes 864 240 125 137 1630 16 327 193 68 139 165 3904
Provisional votes 65 25 30 7 75 2 16 7 2 3 15 247
Total 9066 2735 2367 1038 15094 192 2416 1152 874 782 3638 39354
Percentage of formal vote polled by candidate 25.38% 7.66% 6.63% 2.91% 42.26% 0.54% 6.76% 3.23% 2.45% 2.19%