
VoterAlert is our free electoral event reminder service.

Get timely reminders straight to your phone or inbox so you know when, where and how to participate in electoral events in your area and have your say about democracy in Victoria.

Recent messages

Subject Content Date
Last chance to vote in the 2024 local council elections SMS and email reminders that voting closes at 6 pm this Friday 25 October. 22 to 23 October 2024
Theft of Australia Post van in Oakleigh SMS and email messages notifying voters in the City of Monash about the theft of an Australia Post collection vehicle. 18 October 2024
Turned 17? You can enrol to vote! Email with instructions on how to enrol as a 17 year old (called provisional enrolment). 18 October 2024
Error in printed candidate statement SMS and email messages about a ballot pack printing error in Port Phillip City Council, South Melbourne Ward. 15 October 2024
Ballot packs are on their way SMS and email messages notifying voters that the 2024 local council elections are being held by post, and that ballot packs will arrive soon. 7 to 14 October 2024
You missed the deadline to update your enrolment Email messages with information on what to do if we received your enrolment details after the roll closed for the October local council elections. 4 September to 25 October 2024

If you have received a VoterAlert email or SMS claiming to be from us that isn't listed on this page, be careful – it could be a scam. Don't click on any links on the message and ring us on 131 832 to check if it's really us.

Be scam aware. We will never ask you to enter your credit card details or make a payment through a website.

Find out more ways to protect yourself from scams.

Sign up for VoterAlert

Your VoterAlert subscription is linked to your enrolment, so you'll only get reminders for an election you're able to vote in.

To subscribe and update your subscription:

  1. Go to Check my enrolment
  2. Enter your details exactly as they appear on the electoral roll
  3. Select 'Search'
  4. Select 'Update contact details'.

Check my enrolment

Having trouble using Check my enrolment? Answers to our most common questions are available.

Please be aware that it may take several days for your subscription to be confirmed and you may not receive VoterAlerts right away.

What will I get?

You can choose to get:

  • sms and email
  • email only
  • sms only.

VoterAlert is only a prompt, and occasionally due to circumstances outside our control, a VoterAlert may be delayed or not received. A delayed or unsent VoterAlert does not excuse you from voting.

We use the personal information you give to us to maintain the register of electors and prepare electoral rolls for Victorian state and local council elections. We may use your email and mobile phone number to send you notifications and reminders for elections and other electoral events in your area. We may also use your personal information for audit, reporting, or research purposes.

We do not share your contact details with anyone else, unless the law requires us to. There is more information about this on our Privacy page and in our privacy policy.

Unsubscribe from VoterAlert

You can unsubscribe from VoterAlert at any time by updating your preferences in Check my enrolment

Protect yourself from scams

Scammers sometimes send people messages pretending to be organisations like the VEC. Here are some tips so you don’t get tricked.

Check the content

Our messages will always be for information only. We will never ask for your personal information, banking details or any kind of online payment.

Check the sender

If you get an SMS from us, the sender will always be VEC (not a number). You can't reply to these SMS.

If you get an email from us the email address will always end in ''. We ask you to not reply to these emails.

Check the link

Any links in our message will be to information only rather than forms where you enter personal details. They will always take you to our website: or

Check the 'look' of the email

The email will always have our colours and logo. We'll sometimes use images such as our 'paper people' characters.

Check with us

If you're ever unsure if it's really us, you can call us on 131 832 to check.

Example of a VoterAlert email

Example of a VoterAlert email

Example of a VoterAlert SMS

Example of a VoterAlert SMS